Wednesday, March 30, 2005

i'M bAck homE

home sweet home..i've been relaxing in IPOH for like 4 days...n now im back to work, finishing my assignments and designing the 'water rocket' for gosh...uni life--->sucks

well...i've not blog for the last two days..had a very bad migraine on da first nite and came back late from "yum cha" on the 2nd nite..ok..lets start bout my first day in ipoh..i went down together wif mellisa (a close friend of mine) and we reached there around 2 sumtin..her dad tapau A LOT of food back from Kampar n i mean really a lot...seriously that amount of food her dad bought can actually feed like 10 ppl?!?! haha..after eating, we took a short nap..plz tell me how can i not get FAT? in the nite we went to ipoh parade which i alwiz mistaken it for klang parade..well u cant blame me as i live in klang for like 19 years already...haha! anyway, we were on a shopping spree i guess...mel bought like 4 shirts n me one short n one shirt for my dearest ah-po (sue-li= anota best friend of mine)

after leaving ipoh parade we headed home and had the same food we had earlier for dinner....i ate too much n guess wat...? i visited the "ladies" for like a few times...u shud knoe wat i mean..=)

the nex morning, we followed mel's mom to the market.. gosh the smell...kills me! the rest of the day was crazy..we went from jusco to mel's house to ipoh parade n then back to jusco again..finally in the evening we were back home to have dinner...n then in the nite off to coffee bean to yumcha with friends..

actually i was suppose to cum back to klang on tuesday but instead i changed my mind as mel wans to bring me to watch the debate in SMI n the pasar malam at short i had a wonderful time in ipoh...if it wasnt for my assignments i will still be there relaxing!!!!

and finally today...i got up at 7 as my bus departs at 8:15 and i had a bad hangover last nite..since there's no water heater in mel's hse (no offence) i had to bathe wif the super cold water early in the me it's really really wouldnt wanna try it if u hadnt!

reached sunway around 11 and went to pyramid to meet up wif my frens whom are celebrating "horny's"( a friend of mine) early birthday...watched MC 2 and afterthat went to uni to do sum stuff n THEN back home...ohh gosh...i really missed my bed n smelly (*snif snif*) pillow alot!!

i guess i'll end here~~chaozz n nighty nite!

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