Sunday, August 14, 2005

list of things

here are a list of things i hope to get and will get:

*Le Sportec sling back
*a pair of Nike sport shoes (this i will definitely get it next month)
*a tatoo at my back, somewhere a little bit above my butt and at the bottom most of my back (i don't know what you call it)
*a new handphone (my old one is kinda "old" already)
*more clothes (never will stop)
*a denim skirt from Levis
*a ring from diamond platinum (hopefully my prince charming will be the one to get it for
*a white gold necklace
*dresses (especially the ones from singapore)
*a bikini from Roxy
*a watch from Titus
*a pair of heels from Theme

well, i'll wait and see when will i get all matter how long it takes, i will wait..

p/s: anyone wanna fulfill any items listed above?! you're welcome to...

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