Saturday, April 08, 2006


Just felt like blogging but there's nothing in particular that I wanna talk about, so I decided to just tell whatever that's coming out of my mind..

First, I can't wait for my spiff to come out, it will be coming out on the 28th of April and I hope my stupid agent won't pass it to me too late and I also hope they won't tax much! If they do, I will find them and "tiu kao" them!!!! It's my earnings and you dare touch it, I'll kill them!

Anyway once my spiff is out, I have lots of things in mind to buy, I hope it's enough to cover, first, I'll cut my hair, dye and highlight it again, then I will go get myself a sunglass, then shop around for perfume and then if there are balance, I'll go shop for more clothes....

Rewinding all the way back when I went for Tiesto's concert, I bumped into my uni friend, and he was with a few of his friends, one of them was quite cute...for me his cute lor..only introduced name but never take number...*sigh* sad sad....wasted wasted...nevermind, if fated to meet again then let it'm starting to get horny...-cute guy cute guy cute guy- hahahahahaha

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