Thursday, December 18, 2008

First time leaving office at 7pm

The whole yesterday was spent in Yokogawa, Puchong. I went there FAT. Not to be FAT but for Factory Acceptance Test. This is a process where before the entire DCS system is sent over to the company’s site, it will first be checked and tested whether the entire system fulfills the needs and requirements of the company and also whether the design is properly drawn.

I was about to start blogging yesterday when my supervisor told me that we are leaving now. Lucky I went there at least I had something to do better than sitting in this office and day dreaming all day long. More over I had not enough sleep the night before, so doing something there could at least keep me awake. We left the place about 6 something and reached office at about 7.15pm.This is the first time I did additional overtime!

I was late for my movie which was supposed to start at 7pm at 1U. I told the rest of my friends to enter the cinema without me first and when I reached there, I will call one of them to come out and pass me the tickets. We watched “The Day The Earth Stood Still” starring Keanu Reeves. Knowing that GSC is famous for starting their movie later then the time shown usually 15 minutes but for THX cinema is about 25 minutes, so in the end, I only missed the first 10-15 minutes of the movie.

The movie only lasted 1 ½ hours. It was OK la. That is what I think. Different people of course have different opinion. Anyway, after that I wanted to go home straight but then they asked to go for “yum cha” session at SS2 Murni. So I just went there for an hour and left for home.

Met Jason and Edwin there. What a coincidence! After I had my dinner since I didn’t have my dinner earlier, I drop by their table and gossip a little before I left. By the time I reached home, I felt so tired though I didn’t do much. Maybe it’s just an accumulation of “not enough sleep days”.

Later I will be going to Yogokawa again. Hope it won’t be so late but then I think it might be late because today might be the last day for us to be there so we need to finalize everything. So I might reach office even later than yesterday today. BUT hopefully not!

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