Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Friends and Marriage

Always when I’m feeling bored in the office; my duty is just to blog, blog and blog. So every blog doesn’t represent what I did the day before, the day after or today. I’m just blogging out my thoughts. This post is going to be another friend of mine. I mix with a lot of people and I meet different types of people. Some are funny, serious, dangerous, naughty; happy go lucky, scary and etc.

Friends come and go. You pick the right one to stay with you. Sometimes, although you think you pick the right one, but it doesn’t necessarily means it will last. Things might happen along the way. And then you’ll argue or fight and then you’ll end the friendship. Having a boyfriend, it’s just the same. That’s why sometimes; you’d rather leave a life of your own. Where only you can hurt yourself and at the same time make yourself happy. Sounds so lonely? But this is life. You can have friends, but not best/very good/very close friends. I don’t believe in that ever since high school days when my really best friends stabbed my back!

Yesterday, I went for a drink or two with Ijan in J.Co in Sunway Pyramid. Since I wanted to pay my mobile phone bill and at the same time waiting for the traffic to cool down, I called her out to meet up for a while. She stays just right opposite Pyramid and she wasn’t working yesterday. So, what the heck! We came to a point where we talk about getting married. For me, I’m still far from my marriage age. She is already 27 and will be turning 28 next year. Alright, she is not that old yet of course, but just a little bit worried. My another friend who’s 29 this year and turning 30 soon is even more worried.

I don’t think is because their requirements are very high but is just that guys nowadays are useless. Not all. Don’t get me wrong. Just most of them. Ijan was telling me that few years back, there was a guy who wanted to ask her hand in marriage. Before she accepted, she asked the guy a whole lot of questions. This was how the conversation went:

Ijan: Gaji you berapa sebulan?

Guy: RM1800…

Ijan: Oh, so kalau kahwin, mana cukup?

Guy: Takpe, dad I boleh sponsor.

Ijan: Habis, lepas kahwin pun dad kena sponsor ke?

Guy: Tak la! Bila dah kahwin I sponsor la pulak!

Ijan: Ohh @#!@$$*#@!#

Got it? If not, read it again!

I mean, you want to get married and you need your dad to sponsor? OMG! Where are all the real men?

Nowadays, earning RM1800 or even RM2500 is not enough to survive. Everything is getting more expensive and even the standard of living is getting higher. You may have enough money to get married but will you have money to maintain the entire family when you have kids?

Sometimes I wonder how some women can just get married for the sake of enjoying and then when their kids are out, they suffer and quarrel every day with the partner. Some even can tolerate when the guys bit them up! This is so stupid! Please think further. Think for the future. Yes, you can’t predict the future, but at least you may plan. Don’t just because you want to play and you think he is the only guy you love, you get married. What the @#$%!

Common girls, you’re not that stupid and blind aren’t you!??!!

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