Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry X'mas

X’mas Eve dinner at my babysitter’s place was nice. Had nice ham, roasted lamb, fried chicken and the best ever fried rice! I tried to control my food in take in order to still stay fit. There were a lot of delicious foods actually. The apple crumble and pineapple crumble top with ice-cream, plain syrup jelly, pure butter cake and etc. Later we had one very special wine and also beer and also a glass of coffee alcohol (I’m not sure of the special name for that). After dinner, went for a movie. Watched Yes Man. Boring at the beginning but starts to get funny towards the middle.

I was so happy because I was so super surprised with my Christmas gift from Simon (my god brother). He bought me a small bag from Coach! Actually, after giving all the presents, my baby sitter suddenly asked me, “who’s present is that?” and I answered, “what Christmas present, all given out already la!” She said, no la…got another one on the Christmas tree….I saw it but I couldn’t see any name written on it and I shouted asking whose present is this till Simon told me it was mine! Oh My God!! Mine? Are you sure?? I’m so happy!! Thanks “Kor” and also thanks for the rest of the presents from Kuma, Aunty Jessie, Allison Che and also Chin Huang!!!

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