Thursday, December 04, 2008

Whoever who reads my blog, will think I’m too boring that I have to blog twice a day. Well, I am really very bored here in the office. Only sometimes I have things to do but most of the time, nothing!

My friend asked me yesterday. Will you accept someone who is 12 years older than you and who is a DJ? Hmmm…I don’t mind him being a DJ but 12 years older? Wow! I know people will say age doesn’t matters, but for me it does. 12 years is like a whole cycle in the Chinese calendar. Is not because I think he is too old or what but then, I just feel uncomfortable being with someone so many year difference from my age. I told her, she need to think it through before she makes a move.

It’s been almost 11 months since I last saw my cousin. She put on quite some weight and her “2 mountains” are much bigger now. LOL! Last time mine was bigger but because I lost quite some weight throughout this year, it shrunk and now hers was much bigger!! LOL! I’m not obsessed or anything, but then why is it when most Asians end up in western countries, they will always gain weight!?

I sometimes complain that I’m short and fat. Why I’m not tall enough to wear anything I like? Why isn’t my skin as smooth as some people? Why can’t my legs be more slender? Why can’t this…why can’t that? But when I see some people who are worst than me, I should be thankful enough that I’m not that bad after all! Yes, appreciate what you have.

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