Friday, January 16, 2009

Nothing interesting happened's been so boring suddenly...

I will be going for a hair make over tomorrow afternoon. I will meet Ryn at her place, park my car there and she will drive me to Time Square so I don't have to pay the blardy expensive parking ticket which might cost RM20 since I will there for let's say.... 6 to 7 hours?

So nice of her to do this favour for me, and after that, once I'm done, I will meet her in Pavilion for dinner. At first she wanted to come over and fetch me, but I told her not to because the jam to get back over the other side of the road is going to be bad. Since it's just a 10 minutes walk, I might as well just meet up with her there straight.

I felt so dizzy yesterday. My face was pale and I felt like faiting due to lack of blood because my aunty just visited me. Easily tired, but still wants to go out! That's just me, stubborn!

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