Monday, June 04, 2007


I'n so boring that i've started blogging again. At least ppl whom I hardly see will know what's going on with me.. haha..

Anyway, I was suppsoe to study since finals are approaching but I can't seem to focus well. What I'm doing now is planning for my hols more than paying attention while studying.. NAUGHTY ME!I know I know, will start paying attention, if not I'll fali again like 2 sems ago..better hope and pray hard not!

Talking about hols, it will be here soon once my exams are over. Since it's for 3 weeks, I think I'll try to find a lot of thing to do, i.e. going to singapore, genting, cameron highlands and maybe crazy enough bali...that depends how much of $$$ i've got..haha...any sponsors?

Well, I better get back to my book world before I dream further..


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